Friday, July 5

Last week Joe Biden flamed out, the US Supreme Court ran amok, Marine Le Pen started going for control of France, Victor Orban became president of the EU, and Pierre Poilievre’s lips continued to move. Let’s hope this week is better.

Maybe it will be. The UK Conservatives got crushed, and a whole bunch of transphobe candidates got their asses handed to them.

For example, Posie Parker got fewer votes than the Monster Raving Looney Party.

Labour’s crushing defeat of Britain’s Conservatives (412 seats to 121) certainly blunts the rise of far-right parties across Europe. But let’s not overestimate the results. Nigel Farage’s far right Reform UK gained 4,072,947 votes, and 4 seats in Parliament. Under proportional representation it would have gotten 94 seats, despite the fact at least three of its candidates were outright Nazis. “One praised Adolf Hitler as “brilliant,” said he was “able to inspire people to action,” and called Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine “legitimate.” Another said Britain “should have accepted Hitler’s offer of neutrality” in the run-up to the Second World War. And another Reform hopeful quit the race in recent days after it was reported that he previously encouraged people to vote for the far-right British National Party.”

And 41 Reform candidates are Facebook friends with the leader of the U.K.’s fascist party, the New British Union.

The guy on the left raped children. The guy on the right hands out counterfeit $5 bills to homeless people to get them arrested. Here’s a pic of the two of them at the White House.

Donald Trump – “I know nothing about Project 2025.”

Project 2025 president – “Donald Trump gets full credit for Project 2025.”

Donald Trump Super PAC – “Project 2025 is Donald Trump’s Project 2025.”

Trump’s press secretary Karoline Leavitt – “Come work for Project 2025.”

Trump’s VP hopeful Mario Rubio – Project 2025 “is a guidepost for all of the public policy we choose to make.”

Saturday, July 6

How can you tell someone is a Conservative MP? (Pro tip – it’s the utter shamelessness.)

Trump’s calling for televised tribunals. Musk is calling for executions.

Why is it that the bottom line with convoyistas always seems to be antisemitism? “During what appears to be the same conversation with police, one man remarks on video that the “Jesuits started the whole Big Bang theory” and the woman recording adds, when you go down to the very bottom of the barrel, the rabbit hole, it’s the Jews.”

Before his election, Javier Milei, the Libertarian/fascist president of Argentina, “insisted that he does not oppose same-sex marriage, but in that same interview, he went on to compare homosexuality to having sex with animals.” Then his foreign minister “told an interviewer that she supports marriage equality in theory, but at the same time, compared it to having lice.” On May 6, four lesbians were firebombed as they slept. Three died. “After taking office in December, Milei took steps that critics say weakened protections for LGBTQ groups…. critics say his actions have normalized a culture of discrimination toward LGBTQ groups, and in the most extreme cases, have led to violent attacks such as the deadly May 6 arson.”

It’s starting to be clearer why Newsweek went after Taylor Swift last week. It has something to do with that magazine’s dramatic lurch to the right. Its new opinion editor “has frequently spoken about “[shifting] the Overton window” and pushing far-right views into the mainstream; that, arguably, was also his goal at Newsweek. As the New Republic noted back in 2020, it certainly looks a lot like Newsweek’s “former legitimacy is [being] used to launder extreme and conspiratorial ideas”.”

Sunday, July 7

“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the American flag and wearing a cross” – Patriot Front, Nashville, Tennessee, 2024.

(And carrying an iPhone loaded with kiddie porn) – Patriot Front, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, 2022

That’s Jared in the upper left corner.

Tax the churches.

The failure of France’s far right Rassemblement National to win a majority was a huge temporary victory for the left. But let’s never forget the New Popular Front’s popular support resulted in it receiving 7 million votes in the second round, while the fascists had the largest single total – 10 million votes. The outcome has produced some breathing room for the left, but nothing close to s decisive victory over the RN. That remains to be seen.

Even CNN got this right. The far right is far from finished. It’s stronger than ever — “The RN’s success should not be underestimated. In the 2017 elections, when Macron swept to power, the RN won just eight seats. In 2022, it surged to 89 seats. In Sunday’s vote, it won 125 – making it the largest individual party. That unity means it will likely remain a potent force in the next parliament, while the solidity of the leftist coalition remains untested.”

Ezra Levant appears to be calling for a fascist coup in France. He retweeted “the French people wanted to take back their borders and sovereignty, instead they got communism. We can’t vote our way out of this.”



Marine Le Pen will be particularly annoyed by the Antifa member, Raphaël Arnault, of the National Assembly from Avignon.

Jeremy MacKenzie was certainly annoyed he lost his venue in Sudbury today There’s a lot to be said for cancel culture. PS, he’s slated to arrive in Kelowna July 15 and to move on to Nanaimo July 16. Let’s prevent that, shall we?

Monday, July 8

The British medical journal The Lancet estimates the death toll in Gaza from the Israeli occupation forces’ offensive is approximately 186,000. This is a conservative estimate.

The premier of British Columbia has not commented on that slaughter, but he has a lot to say about a peaceful picket at a softball game. His statement was of course based on complete fabrications by a well-known agent of Zionist hasbara (aka horseshit). The game was between adult teams, the younger “cheerleaders” sent out to taunt the anti-genocide protestors were instigated by two middle-aged males easily identifiable as “religious Zionists” (aka fascists) and the swastika symbol visible in the photo was part of a sign equating it with Zionism – a simple statement of fact acknowledged by many people, organizations and governments around the world.

Rebel News is manufacturing outrage again – retweeting that “the CBC is hiring a new male host for one of their shows. Their requirements for the job: ages 22-35 and NOT WHITE.”

This is worth a closer examination, as it’s a textbook example of how fascists seize on a tiny grain of truth and twist and contort and transform it into a lie. What Rebel News deliberately omits — it wasn’t the CBC posted the  advertisement, it was a casting agency hired by the CBC. The National Post ran the agency’s apology the next day — “We were asked to seek a cast of diversity. We mistakenly took that to mean that the production was not seeking Caucasian actors. This was a mistake that was made entirely by the casting company.” Even more telling, this happened in 2013, and Ezra would have you believe it happened yesterday. It took a 30-second Google search to dig this background up. Ezra Levant is a fucking liar.

Coup Prevention 101 – About 20% of the participants in the January 6 riot were active-duty US military personnel. What would happen on January 6, 2025 if whole units of the military went over to the side of an attempted Trump / Project 2025 coup and joined with Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and state militias? A highly interesting panel here of three women discussing that scenario: a retired Marine Corps combat engineer officer, a retired lieutenant general in the Maryland National Guard, and a retired US senator. There are signs the threat is starting to be taken more seriously.

Of course, a coup is only one possible scenario. Another is that of Trump actually winning. An internal poll conducted by the Democratic Party after the Trump / Biden debate shows Trump’s lead widening in the seven swing states, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina. Georgia and Michigan.

Tuesday, July 9

“I never wish to see violence and always hope for a peaceful resolution but it’s becoming clearer by the day that war is coming. It is inevitable. While the vast majority of the West are castrated invertebrates, not all are. And it’s not going to be pretty.” Meed Gad Saad, professor of marketing at Concordia University and former Concordia University Research Chair in Evolutionary Behavioural Sciences and Darwinian Consumption. Unhappy the fascists in France were defeated.

The far-right Western Standard is having an anti-Muslim hissy fit, quoting other bigots saying “KFC in Canada has gone WOKE, converting all their chicken products to HALAL. Next thing you know, their female employees will wear burqas and each meal will come with a free prayer rug,” and “predictably, Twitter (‘X’) users were outraged, equating the move with appeasing Hamas and Hezbollah. 

Trump’s disavowal of Project 2025 is not just another lie in his avalanche of lies. It’s an indicator that the project has become a serious liability for the Republican campaign, one being massively weaponized by the Democrats. Pro tip for fascists – never tell the truth about what you intend to do. 

Merch sales are a financial lifeline for the fash, and even people like RuPaul are helping them.

In Canada, Shopify sells fascist swag, chills with the founder of the Proud Boys.

You’re never too young to rattle a Nazi.

“Saskatchewan’s largest union – CUPE Saskatchewan – and the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) have partnered with Fae Johnstone and Queer Momentum to hire a Saskatchewan organizer to build support for 2SLGBTQIA+ rights and oppose anti-2SLGBTQIA+ laws, policies, and political platforms.” Exemplary. Let’s have more of this.

Wednesday, July 10

One can make a serious case that the New York Times has become a stealth PR firm for Trump. Even Maggie Haberman — “Haberman on Monday claimed to [CNN’s Kaitlin] Collins that Project 2025 is “not actually a Trump effort” and that his aides “have actually been very frustrated by a lot of” its efforts. “It is true that some key Trump advisers are involved in Project 2025,” she acknowledged. “It is true that some of those people would almost certainly staff another Trump administration. But there’s a lot of what is in that document that you’ve never heard Trump talk about that I don’t think that he would actually be interested in.”

Meanwhile in the U.K., British Conservatives have done a 180 on immigration.

Jeezus, Ed Snowden. “Darkly amusing to watch panicked dems suddenly searching under the couch cushions for a candidate when Kennedy is literally standing right there.” Well, no one’s perfect; and his life and his family’s depends on the good graces of the Russian government and security services. So taken with a grain of salt.

“Brazil’s Federal Police have indicted former President Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association in connection with undeclared diamonds the far-right leader received from Saudi Arabia during his time in office, according to a source with knowledge of the accusations.” Fascists are always criminal, always corrupt.

Bad enough Conrad Black is an ex-con. Now his own “peer” group has thrown him out.

Thursday, July 11

Here’s a typical Trump cadre, Mike Davis of the Article III Project. He is a ranking Republican who used to be chief counsel to the Senate judiciary committee and, briefly, Trump’s acting Attorney-General. Also, a member of the Federalist Society, which planned and orchestrated the 40-year-old Republican campaign to weaponize of the judicial system. His plans for the future? “We’re gonna deport a lot of people, 10 million people and growing – anchor babies, their parents, their grandparents. We’re gonna put kids in cages. It’s gonna be glorious.” Ghouls. But you already knew that.

Here’s another. Meet Ivan Raiklin, Trump’s aspiring “secretary of retribution” a former Army lieutenant colonel organizing vengeance squads among the militia and “constitutional sheriffs”. Quite seriously, the next year is going to see the emergence of death squads in the U.S., whether Trump wins or not.

That is not an exaggeration.

Let’s not mince words about Herr Doktor Professor Jordan Peterson. Tommy Robinson is a fascist with arrests and/or criminal convictions for resisting arrest (multiple convictions), drug possession, contempt of court, breach of bail conditions, mortgage fraud, using a false passport, illegally entering the U.S., stalking, breach of Covid restrictions, assault (multiple convictions), assaulting police and assault causing bodily harm. When you publicize a Nazi criminal, you define yourself for all to see.

Why is the CBC plumping for Pierre? When Assembly of First Nations delegates turned their backs on Poilievre, CBC claimed it was only two and edited photo to mislead readers.

Here’s the CBC fake and the real photo —

Maxime Bernier is slated to appear on a panel this fall featuring Diagoloner Greg Wycliffe and antisemite Matt Ehret. Matt’s an unapologetic Larouchite.

Lyndon Larouche was the founder of a number of violent sects in the 1970’s and later that were notorious for physical assaults on leftists using tire irons. In 1975 CIA director William Colby testified before a senate committee that the agency was funding Larouche to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars a month. A cult of thugs and police rovocateurs.

Kernatium Division is “a new Canadian neo-Nazi online accelerationist organization formed across social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok and Telegram, and [has] quickly [drawn] in young people from across the country…. Perhaps most disturbing has been the speed at which this organization was able to attract a small cadre of extreme ideologically motivated individuals. While the claims of the leader seem to be somewhat dubious, including posts about firearms—some images of firearms prohibited in Canada he claims to have purchased online – members of the group with more credible backstories do appear to have access to weapons.”

This week’s special feature – Pastors Promoting Pedophilia

Sexual aggression against children is criminal, no matter who is the perpetrator. But why does there appear to be such a disproportionate representation of evangelical pastors among the perps? This is a random sample of Christian fundamentalist pastors arrested for pedophilia in the last week. Not a drag queen or transgender person in the lot.

“Earlier this month, a bombshell report from the religious watchdog group Wartburg Watch roiled one of the largest megachurches in Texas. Robert Morris, the founder and pastor of the influential Southlake-based Gateway Church, had in the 1980s repeatedly sexually abused a child over the course of four years, beginning when the girl was 12 years old, as recounted by the survivor to Wartburg’s Dee Parsons.

 According to the victim, Cindy Clemishire, the abuse took place in both Oklahoma and Texas.   The public allegations toppled Morris, a highly influential conservative pastor and a key emissary for the religious right in Republican politics.”

“Before his fall from grace, Morris wielded significant political influence, endorsing candidates and promoting Republican legislative priorities from the pulpit while serving as one of ex-President Donald Trump’s key advisors. Morris has made visits to the White House and even hosted Trump at a Gateway campus in Dallas, where Trump described Morris and his colleague Steve Dulin as “great people with a great reputation.”

“In 2017, Morris said [Texas governor Greg] Abbott had personally called him seeking support for a so-called bathroom bill to ban transgender Texans from using public restrooms that align with their gender expression. The right’s main talking point for the bill was to stop potential predators from accessing bathrooms to prey on women and children.”

Morris is far from being the only Trump-linked evangelical pastor arrested for sex crimes against children. Here’s Anton Lazzaro, “GOP strategist, donor & founder of Big Tent Republicans…. guilty of sex trafficking children,” mugging with his buddy DJT.

Russell Anders, Washington state —

Neil Friske, Michigan —

Bonnie Gingrich, Pennsylvania —

Jonathan Shaheen, Colorado —

Ray Holmberg, North Dakota —

David Stringer, Arizona —

Jonathan Elwing, Florida —

Philip Plyler, Tennessee —

Ryan Ivy, Texas —

Jason Cromwell, Tennessee —

David Deberge, Wisconsin —

Jackson Batson, Tennessee —

Bobby Hawk, Missouri —

Keith Garrett, Tennessee —

Steve Cugini, Pennsylvania —

Bo Dresner, Texas —

Ryan McElrath, Tennessee —

Josh Duggar, Arkansas —

Joel Searby, Florida —

Daniel Harris, Mississippi —

Travis Huse, Wisconsin —

Russell Tusing, Georgia —

Scott Huse, Wisconsin —

Michael Hoekwater, Michigan —

Senator Ray Holmberg, North Dakota —

John Jones, Mississippi —

James Robison, Texas —

Dennis McCrainie, Georgia —

Luke Cunningham, Texas —

Brian Crabtree, Indiana —

Patrick Miller, Arkansas —

Zachary King, Kentucky —

James Lane, Wisconsin —

Thiago Modelli, Texas —

Roy Andrews, Pennsylvania —

Don Logan, South Carolina —

Christian Baumgarth, Georgia —

Stephen Morgan, Texas —

Jonathan Russell, Michigan —

Terry Murphree, Alabama —

Politicians, too. Like RFK Jr. —

And, of course, Trump —

Canada, too —

Bruxy Cavey, Oakville —

Tim Day – Oakville

Kieran Naidoo, Oakville

Dave Churchill, Oakville

Their church literally had to suspend services because it can’t get insurance coverage to cover damages from sexual abuse suits any more.

Quote of the week — The Republican candidate for governor of North Carolina had this to say about leftists and liberals when he spoke in church last Sunday – “Some folks need killing! It’s time for somebody to say it. It’s not a matter of vengeance. It’s not a matter of being mean or spiteful. It’s a matter of necessity.”

Video of the week – Kyle Rittenhouse is prepping for Civil War II.

Meme of the week – Conservatives fight climate change

Pic of the week – fascist tears are the sweetest.

Skill testing question of the week —

Spot a Nazi – A handy user’s guide to fascist groups, symbols and memes.

The Long Read – The New Republic on what a Trump America would look like.