(Special UK Riots Edition)

Friday, August 2

“Failures resulting from the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which included the doxxing of protestors, substantial financial penalties, and increased scrutiny on the white nationalist movement, forced leaders and groups to shift their tactics and organizational structures. Specific organizational models, like those used by Patriot Front and Active Clubs, have been instrumental in making groups more resilient to disruption from law enforcement and perceived enemies.

Recent arrests of key white nationalist leaders do not appear to have had a significant impact on groups’ operations, which have continued unabated and may indicate that changes at the organizational level are generating some results.” https://www.isdglobal.org/digital_dispatches/patriot-front-and-active-clubs-two-modern-models-of-white-nationalist-organizing/

Wondering why Conservatives are angry? If you’re using Google you may need to refine your search terms. https://x.com/cosmepolitics/status/1819129264161087941

Twitter’s outraged about a Muslim terrorist who isn’t Muslim. https://x.com/LeftySeparatist/status/1818545156351475894

And a transgender boxer who isn’t transgender. https://x.com/billybragg/status/1819069196011294992

Vancouver’s ruling ABC party moves to shut down city’s integrity commissioner. “We have no integrity,” says mayor Ken Sim, “so where’s the need for a commissioner?” https://vancouversun.com/news/vancouver-council-suspension-integrity-commissioner

Elon Musk is dead serious about crowning King Trump the First, and using election interference to do it. https://x.com/NewsJennifer/status/1819378887626743958

The English far right has become well-known for its cogent and incisive social commentary — https://x.com/archer_rs/status/1819263275424473359

And putting the UK back in yuk. https://x.com/AntiRacismDay/status/1819443858985374194

Kyle Rittenhouse and Donald Trump are splitsville.  It’s a bitter end to a once flowering relationship. 

No, wait, they made up again. Jeez, that was fast. https://x.com/PhilipJGermain/status/1819464200026300762

Along with its support for the race riots in general Rebel News is celebrating English fascists burning down two police stations. Law and order, anyone?

Saturday, August 3

“A jury returned a verdict of not guilty late Friday for two men accused of conspiring to kill RCMP officers at the border blockade at Coutts, Alta. But Anthony Olienick and Chris Carbert were both convicted on other charges of mischief and possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose. Olienick was also convicted of possessing a pipe bomb…. There was a loud gasp in the packed courtroom in Lethbridge, Alta., as the jury announced the acquittal of the most serious charge: conspiracy to commit murder. The men showed little emotion, and the case was put over to Aug. 12 to deal with the convictions on the lesser charges.” https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/anthony-olienick-chris-carbert-protesters-not-guilty-murder-conspiracy-rcmp-1.7284629

Tommy Robinson [out of the country, evading arrest under Terrorism Act charges] is scheduling this weekend’s anti-Muslim riots across the UK. Rebel News is amplifying him.

So is Twitter, posting ‘moderate” Tommy Robinson (“those scenes of violence have nothing to do with us.”) — And also posting the real Tommy Robinson. “Rioting, yay!”


The riots in Britain mark an evolution in fascist organizing. The traditional mode of organization – whether British Union of Fascists or National Front or British National Party or English Defence League – was just that, a unitary organization with geographically-based clubs or chapters, a defined local and national leadership, structures, finances, etc. But the latest unitary manifestation of fascism, the English Defence League, began to go into decline over a decade ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Defence_League

According to some, it actually no longer exists. Which means banning it would be an empty gesture with no actual import. https://x.com/hopenothate/status/1819006717289500720

To be sure, there still are far right groups across Britain. These are the main ones — https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/aug/07/the-edl-actors-and-conspiracy-theorists-a-guide-to-the-british-far-right

What would have a practical effect is cracking down on social media corporations profiting off of hate speech. What has become a more dominant organizational form of the movement is fascism-as-mob, with leadership conveyed via social media by influencers and avatars like Robinson. Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg bear a central responsibility for the growth and flourishing of modern-day fascism. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/aug/03/the-far-right-has-moved-online-where-its-voice-is-more-dangerous-than-ever

Case in point, Southport, where the murder suspect “was born in Cardiff. But a claim that the suspect was an asylum seeker or immigrant has been viewed at least 15.7 million times across X, Facebook, Instagram and other platforms, a Reuters analysis showed. A false claim that he was an undocumented migrant who arrived in a small boat appeared on the website “Channel 3 Now”, who later apologised for publishing information that was misleading and not accurate. Internet personality

Andrew Tate on Tuesday shared a picture of a man he said was responsible for the attack with the caption “straight off the boat”, but the claim was also incorrect as it was a picture of a 51-year-old man arrested for a separate stabbing in Ireland last year…. Separately, a Channel 4 analysis showed that 49% of traffic on social media platform X referencing ‘Southport Muslim’ – in reference to an unevidenced claim about the attacker’s religion – came from the United States, with 30% coming from Britain.” https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/pm-starmer-warns-social-media-firms-after-southport-misinformation-fuels-uk-2024-08-01/

Sunday, August 4

Big antifascist countermobilizations across Britain. In Bristol — https://x.com/DurrutiRiot/status/1819788990486134847

And Blackpool — https://x.com/supertanskiii/status/1819880615853859318

And Derby — https://x.com/uaf/status/1820090069937463457

And Leicester and Rotherham and Birmingham and Dunstable and Cardiff and Hull and Blackpool and Belfast and Hartlepool https://x.com/AnarchistFed/status/1820059144352657852

And Bolton. https://x.com/DurrutiRiot/status/1820116934475555017

Wikipedia has been running an overview of the riots, something the corporate media seems incapable of. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_United_Kingdom_riots

Useful coverage here from Britain’s Hope Not Hate – “Probably the worst race riots since WWII.” https://hopenothate.org.uk/2024/08/05/racist-violence-rocks-uk-unprecedented-wave-of-far-right-rioting/

“Prince of Pot” millionaire Marc Emery has gone full-blown racist. He wants you to know that he likes EDL rioters. He’s retweeting Tommy Robinson. Marc has a rather unique take on British cops. “They are ready to enforce Sharia law. Many in the UK police force are Muslims or Islamic sympathizers. UK police have demonized women and men on Twitter as hate mongers & visited the homes of dissenters to intimidate them but this is a whole new level of police abuse & capture.” https://x.com/MarcScottEmery/status/1820101443334057999

Emery ran for the PPC in 2021. ““Marc has been a vocal supporter of Mr. Bernier since the days of the CPC leadership campaign,” Masse said. “He spent most of his adult life fighting for more freedom and paid the price by spending many years in prison for a crime that doesn’t exist anymore. The PPC is a broad coalition of people from different backgrounds and perspectives united in the desire to restore common sense policies in this country, and we’re very happy to have Marc run as a candidate for the People’s Party.”

If the PPC is Maple MAGA, Marc is Canada’s answer to Matt Gaetz — “Anthony Olive worked with Adams, and held different positions including assistant manager during his almost year and a half tenure at Cannabis Culture. He said he not only saw Emery provide MDMA to Adams, but he also witnessed the owner give MDMA — and once, the psychedelic drug dimethyltryptamine — to girls between the ages 16 and 17 at about four parties he attended between April 2008 and August 2009.”


Predatory? Handsy? Just another aging creep? What is it with Libertarians? https://www.kelownacapnews.com/news/prince-of-pot-marc-emery-accused-of-sexual-assault-harassment-3174890

“For the first time since Trump came down the elevator with his midriff-baring red sparrow, er, third wife, the GOP has been caught on its backfoot in an effective campaign to point out what should be really obvious: Trump is weird, and so are those in his orbit.” https://www.bylinesupplement.com/p/why-weird-works-the-fight-against?r=cfim4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Two years after Diagolon threatened his wife with sexual assault, Pierre Poilievre denies he knows anything about them. And says that if you mention them, it’s gaslighting. https://x.com/dmacpher/status/1819832635004530700

Poilievre and dag. https://x.com/Eatsfood2/status/1820982979122098495

Poilievre and dags. https://x.com/TrumpDownfall/status/1820972002502701213

Monday, August 5

Bots are one of Pierre Poilievre’s most important constituencies — https://twitter.com/_llebrun/status/1820160573549801848/photo/1

Lots and lots and lots of bots…. https://twitter.com/Cliffor18175753/status/1820277847480815863/photo/1

Fascists in the UK are literally trying to burn migrants to death — https://x.com/ClaudiaWebbe/status/1820207386436505961

And the BBC calls them “pro-British”… https://x.com/broseph_stalin/status/1820151143672221702

Elon Musk – “Civil war is inevitable.” https://x.com/P_Kallioniemi/status/1820410710788035036

The simple fact is that these riots are being orchestrated via social media (Twitter and Telegram are among the worst), and fascists are using these platforms to target minorities with arson, assault and worse. Tommy Robinson is egging them on from Cyprus, where he’s holed up in a $700 a day five star luxury hotel.

If curbing this incitement-to-terrorism means we have to put a few tech lords in prison, that’s not too high a price to pay. https://x.com/redflareinfo/status/1820430972422144198

Not just social media. The MSM has been equally guilty. https://x.com/I_amMukhtar/status/1820458097803935926

Tuesday, August 6

Fascists in Rotherham, England tried to burn down a hotel with migrants inside. Action4Canada’s Tanya Gaw is cheering them on. “”Migrant hotel” besieged and stormed in Rotherham, England. It is sooo good to see the citizens rising up and pushing back against the migrant invasion! Note, children should stay home for obvious reasons.” 

They’re not just targeting Muslims. “Online spaces that are being used to incite and organise the far-right-led riots contain messages encouraging followers to consider Jewish people as a target, community security experts have warned. One forum, which was key to organising the first protest that turned into a riot last Tuesday in Southport, is allegedly jointly run by a suspected neo-Nazi. He is believed to be based overseas.” https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/aug/06/far-right-forums-used-to-plan-riots-now-encouraging-antisemitic-attacks

The murderous fascist mobs rioting across the U.K. have plenty of support from the Freedom Movement TM here in Canada. Convoy leader Tom Marrazzo approves of race riots. https://x.com/lightlysaltd/status/1820244538037788983

A week before the riots began, Tommy Robinson organized a far-right anti-immigrant rally in London. 20,000 turned out to hear Ottawa convoyista Tamara Lich sing to them in person at the rally, despite being out on bail during her mischief trial in Ottawa. 

Tammy and Tommy go back quite a way. https://x.com/Libs4Canada/status/1806226277675696303

“Billboard” Chris Elston is rooting for the fash too — “But looking at media reporting, if it wasn’t for X, we wouldn’t even know that gangs of armed & masked Muslim men are rampaging through cities up and down the country. We wouldn’t see them hunting down and beating up white people. We wouldn’t have yet more evidence of two-tier policing. All we would have is the approved narrative.”

Diagolon’s Alex “The Ferryman’s Toll” Vriend — “It should surprise no one that the media and police are bending over backwards to stay on the good side of the invaders… The only hope they have left is that the invaders win. Imagine what we would do with the journalists and cops if we won after what they’ve done to us. The crazy part is that unlike the media, if the police decided today en masse that they aren’t doing this anymore and sided with the ethnictvt5vg Brits, they would probably not only be forgiven, but championed as heroes, even though they don’t deserve it.” 

Jeremy MacKenzie has chimed in. “Now there is no ground left to concede, and there is blood in the street…. Muslim gangs are attacking British protestors in the streets with edged weapons….The police will not stop them. Civil war has arrived…. The British people have unlimited say in how they live in their own country. That includes not being stabbed by invaders and not having your children murdered.” https://www.antihate.ca/canadian_far_right_cheers_on_uk_anti_immigrant_violence

And then there’s Ezra Levant. “Native people are being hunted and bashed on the streets of Britain while their government cracks down on a “far-right” organisation that doesn’t even exist anymore.”

Rebel News Alberta — “Catholics and Protestants are quite literally marching shoulder to shoulder in Belfast, Northern Ireland as they demand an end to Mass Immigration. When these two communities are putting their differences aside and coming together, you know you’ve messed up.”  

Rebel News Canada — “I’ve always said the U.K. is a dystopian time machine — we can see Canada’s future five years from now if we continue our present course, ten years for America.”

Wednesday, August 7

Great new update on Project 2025’s key architects just published by the Global Project Against Hate And Extremism — https://globalextremism.org/post/project-2025-july-31st-update/

Project 2025 staff profiles include Richard Hanania, “a right-wing author who has gained prominence in conservative circles as an “anti-woke crusader,” and is a contributor to Project 2025’s Mandate for Leadershipplaybook. Hanania’s past reveals a deeply troubling history. A 2023 Huffington Post 

investigation uncovered that Hanania, writing under the pseudonym “Richard Hoste,” authored numerous racist essays for white supremacist publications in the early 2010s. Hanania was a frequent contributor to racist and antisemitic websites like The Occidental Observer and AlternativeRight.com. His articles promoted scientific racism, eugenics, and white nationalism. “We’ve known for a while through neuroscience and cross-adoption studies… that individuals differ in their inherent capabilities. The races do, too, with whites and Asians on the top and blacks at the bottom,” Hanania wrote as Hoste in a 2010 essay titled “Why An Alternative Right Is Necessary.” “If we want to defend our liberty and property, a low-IQ group of a different race sharing the same land is a permanent antagonist,” he wrote in a 2010 article in the white nationalist Counter-Currentsthat advocated for ethnic cleansing of non-white migrants.”

There’s Corey Stewart, “a failed Virginia GOP Senate candidate. Stewart has long associated himself with white supremacists and positions himself as a defender of Confederate heritage. At a 2017 “Old South Ball” in Virginia, Stewart proudly stood next to a Confederate flag, stating, “That flag is not about racism, folks, it’s not about hatred, it’s not about slavery, it is about our heritage.” 

There’s also Jason Richwine of the Center for Immigration Studies. His 2009 Ph.D. thesis, which “argued that Hispanic immigrants have lower IQs than white native citizens, is also listed as a contributor to Project 2025. Richwine’s thesis, titled “IQ and Immigration Policy,” includes statements such as: “No one knows whether Hispanics will ever reach IQ parity with whites, but the prediction that new Hispanic immigrants will have low-IQ children and grandchildren is difficult to argue against.”

UK riot update — “Hospital source: “The dialysis unit at Sunderland and other outpatient treatment units are closing their doors early today. They’re bringing all patients appointment times forward and closing earlier than usual and getting all patients in for treatment and back out asap until everyone is finished and they have nobody else to give treatment to due to the fact staff are mostly non UK nationality and many of which live within the (potential) protest areas of the town. They are genuinely worried and it’s causing a panic amongst the staff and confusing patients who don’t quite understand the situation.” https://twitter.com/Sunderland_GM/status/1821147156960702938

This explains the fear POC healthcare workers are being subjected to. https://x.com/supertanskiii/status/1821152097909293377

But the community has their backs. https://www.gofundme.com/f/carers-car-burnt-during-middlesbrough-riots-while-at-work?attribution_id=sl:a45c9398-c416-4d37-bdf9-029f6c49c1e6&utm_campaign=pd_ss_icons_ai&utm_content=amp1v4&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=twittere

Thursday, August 8

Wednesday was supposed to see the peak of anti-migrant rioting by England’s far right. But they were outnumbered everywhere by antifascists. Walthamstow folks showed the way. About 10,000 of them. https://x.com/TonyYvce/status/1821280518631256448

And Liverpool. https://x.com/AntiRacismDay/status/1821249545470406877 

Ya, Brighton too. “We are many, you are few. We are Brighton, who are you?” https://x.com/SteveJack/status/1821250005518454974

And a pic worth a thousand words. https://x.com/SecretDJBook/status/1821280286107447452

Fascist rioters are being arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced in less than a week. Sentences of two to five years are being handed down. https://x.com/MetroUK/status/1821525411966165481

Another Pierre Poilievre supporter arrested for threatening the PM. https://x.com/KarlTous/status/1821512791762579759

This is the third one in the last two months. https://x.com/gtlem/status/1821185412603494838

A real Conservative activist. https://x.com/ResistanceCats/status/1821306022222500223

He racked up a bunch of charges during the Convoy too, including uttering threats and possessing a weapon. A genuine charmer. https://x.com/ResistanceCats/status/1821295343222583814

Fascinating thread by Kurt Phillips tracing Dawid Zelewski’s journey into conspiracism, Covid denial, hatred, mental illness and violence. Poilievre wasn’t the only factor, but he definitely contributed. https://x.com/ARCCollective/status/1821342636487122972

Utah bans 13 books (including Margaret Atwood), and orders libraries to destroy the ones they have in stock. https://x.com/ResistanceCats/status/1821306022222500223

Why are advertisers boycotting X? https://x.com/P_Kallioniemi/status/1821046320913653925

Accelerationists in the U.S. appear to be ramping up activities heading toward the November election. And the guy at the top coordinating all this is based in Russia. https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/aug/06/us-neo-nazi-base-election-rinaldo-nazzaro

Don’t think for a minute that being a fascist and a pedophile means you can’t have a day job with the FBI.  https://www.wired.com/story/the-dangerous-exploits-of-an-extremist-fbi-informant/

“Canada’s top court has dismissed the latest attempt by polarizing psychologist Jordan Peterson to challenge an order directing him to either undergo social media training or risk losing his licence to practise.” https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/supreme-court-jordan-peterson-1.7288497

Best coverage of events in the U.K. — Searchlight magazine https://www.searchlightmagazine.com/

Burn of the week – The real meaning of DEI. https://x.com/KellDA/status/1819153902153224253

Quote of the week — “ Jasper is not a tragedy. It’s a scandal. A tragedy is a problem without a solution. A scandal is a problem with a solution that is known but not acted upon. Our governments and the oil companies knew. They knew and didn’t act. It’s a scandal our governments are expanding & even using taxpayer money to subsidize oil & gas projects even though the science is clear that means more climate change, more fires & more lives lost.” Tzeporah Berman

Pic of the week – An immigrant taking a black job.

Good shot of the week – Someone came up with a new nickname for Stephen Miller. https://x.com/SundaeDivine/status/1820219766684164437

Helpful tip of the week– How to fold the Confederate flag. https://x.com/KeneAkers/status/1820498900698177790

Here’s a useful antifascist tool. If you come across footage on social media showing the far right attacking minorities, threatening people, assaulting, rioting or otherwise doing things that could land them behind bars, Bellingcat has an app that can archive the clip so it remains accessible forever. https://twitter.com/bellingcat/status/1820428843712217379

40 Ways To Fight The Far Right – An Antihate.ca guide — https://www.antihate.ca/40ways