Friday, July 26

Jasper is burning, but Maxime Bernier’s focus lies elsewhere. “There’s no way I can be on the same team as someone who panders to every immigrant group, won’t stop mass immigration, and won’t defend Canadian culture and identity. Who won’t denounce the climate change hoax and get us out of the Paris Accord.”

These Mexican firefighters probably get on his nerves.

He probably finds these South African firefighters irksome too —

PPC – “Jasper burned because Ukraine.”

Alberta’s government is throwing a costume party —

Saturday, July 27

UCP = Unbelievably Clumsy Politicians – Danielle Smith tweets photo of Banff with appeal to support Jasper.

Speaking of unbelievable Albertans, David Parker — “Parker, a key political ally of Alberta Premier Danielle Smith who is credited with ousting former Premier Jason Kenney and installing Smith in his place, says he is being cross-examined in an Elections Alberta investigation Friday before facing a contempt of court hearing Monday. Parker, who has been resisting disclosing the names of donors to his far-right political group to Elections Alberta revealed his latest legal troubles on the group’s Telegram channel Friday morning…. Although he has so far resisted giving up the names of Take Back Alberta’s donors, Parker says he has been busy working the phones contacting donors about the possibility their names may be disclosed in court.”

The court found Parker in contempt, ordered him to turn over the names of his dark money donors. “It’s a big win for me,” he says.

Rebel News’ favourite Nazi Tommy Robinson was arrested today for violating the U.K.’s Terrorism Act.

Rebel’s response? Rebroadcasting  the fascist propaganda film that prompted the arrest —

Unsurprisingly, The Beaverton is a more highly trusted information source than Rebel News is.

Here’s the only comment needed for the Olympics —

Sunday, July 28

Birds of a feather department – anti-transgender nurse Amy Hamm is promoting antivaxx nurse (ex-nurse, actually) Corrine Mori in the pages of the National Post. “Corinne Mori, has become well known in health-care circles for her involvement with the volunteer organization BC Nurses Fight Mandates. She said she’s not pleased with Dr. Henry, even after lifting the public health order.  “This decision by Bonnie Henry is deliberately not addressing the fact that she abused and mistreated health-care workers — and that there is no discussion around compensation or the proper process to reinstate us with the legal entitlements we should be compensated with. We are not happy.”

Hamm thinks that Mori’s group — BC Nurses Fight Mandates – is simply a volunteer organization. It is that, and a lot more besides. Its politics can be summed up in two words – far right. That didn’t prevent Postmedia from thoughtfully providing a link to the BCNFM website.

Makes sense when you remember that the National Post and Postmedia are owned by Chatham Asset Management, an American hedge fund. “In November 2019, Postmedia announced that 66% of its shares were now owned by Chatham Asset Management, an American media conglomerate which owns American Media, Inc. and is known for its close ties to the Republican party.”

Also keep it in mind that another Chatham subsidiary is the National Enquirer. Possibly a more reliable news source than the National Post, although that’s a pretty low bar to meet!

Elon Musk is now actively, consciously using his platform to spread disinformation in order to destabilize the U.S. election.

Monday, July 29

Tommy Robinson has skipped the country — “He was due to appear in court this morning to answer a charge of contempt for breaching an injunction relating to a libellous documentary which he made and has shown publicly. It was expected that he would be jailed.”

Big surprise. “Poilievre was raised Catholic and makes occasional references to God in his speeches. But according to the biography Pierre Poilievre: A Political Life by Andrew Lawton, his friends and colleagues don’t believe that faith has played a meaningful role in his adult life. He discusses it in an abstract and philosophical manner and attends churches only when campaigning.”

Poilievre – “I’ll get rid of red tape that’s crippling the natural health products industry!”

Meanwhile, the natural health products industry….

Ten Israeli Defence Force soldiers have been charged with systematically sexually assaulting male Palestinian prisoners. Now they are being supported by a violent mob of settlers, soldiers and Knesset members who have stormed the prison. Eretz Israel is a terrorist state.

“MK Ahmad Tibi (TA’AL): To insert a stick in a person’s rectum, is that legitimate??? MK Hanoch Milwidsky (Likud): Yes! If he is a Nukhba everything is legitimate to do him!”

Ha’aretz reported the rape. So did the Times of Israel. CNN did not. Neither did CBC. Or the Vancouver Sun. Or David Eby. Or Selina Robinson.

Obviously the Western MSM think it’s old news. (This from 2015.)

Tuesday, July 30

The VPD is a shitty place to work. Unless you’re a bully. In that case, it’s pretty good.

Another bomb threat against a Drag Queen Story Time, this time in Thunder Bay.

RFK Jr. may seem to be a harmless crank but or even goad to the establishment but he’s working to whitewash and popularize far-right misinformation and violence — “The Ottawa Convoy was like Woodstock.”

This may be stating the obvious, but there’s going to be big trouble south of the 49th parallel come November 5th. MAGA’s assiduously laying the groundwork for Insurrection II with selection of JD Vance as potential VP.

Wargaming Trump. The threat is real.

Don’t assume the U.S. military would prevent a coup. Remember that in 2021 an open letter was signed by 317 retired generals and admirals who backed Trump’s “Stop the Steal” campaign — “Under a Democrat Congress and the Current Administration, our Country has taken a hard left turn toward Socialism and a Marxist form of tyrannical government which must be countered now by electing congressional and presidential candidates who will always act to defend our Constitutional Republic. The survival of our Nation and its cherished freedoms, liberty, and historic values are at stake.”

Wednesday, July 31

Project 2025 director quits under pressure from the Trump campaign.

Project 2025 promptly rebrands as Project 47. Same old, same old.

The pro-rape faction in the Israeli government is in open rebellion — “Members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition turned on each other during a cabinet meeting Tuesday, hurling insults and recriminations over the previous day’s break-ins at two IDF bases by far-right activists and MKs outraged over the arrest of soldiers suspected of severely abusing a Palestinian detainee.”

Meanwhile, Israel conducts air strikes in Beirut and Tehran, assassinating Hezbollah and Hamas leaders and threatening an all-out Middle East war. There is no hope of a ceasefire now. That’s why Netanyahu ordered the strikes.

Schoolchildren murdered in knife attack. Assailant born in Wales, not Muslim, had a history of mental illness. Twitter deluged with far-right tweets that he is Muslim (false), a migrant (false), was on MI5 watch list (false). Fascists organize riot and attack mosque.

Nazis come to town (Southport, UK)

Nazis leave town.

Locals clean up.

Thursday, August 1

Saskatchewan antivaxxer and superspreader Mark Friesen is back in hospital with “a lung infection”. Last time he had Covid, he spent weeks in ICU, got medevacked to Ontario, nearly died, and accused the doctors of trying to murder him. PPCers never learn. Image 2

Another one bites the dust. Ottawa convoy Obersturmbannfuhrer Pat King is back behind bars.

Pierre Poilievre is a self-fulfilling prophet, making self-fulfilling prophecies —

And (need we say it) a warmonger.

Anti-LGBTQ hate crimes have more than tripled in the last three years.

Sounds like his ion frequency device didn’t work.

How soon can we just call Elon an Afrikaner Nazi?

Andrew Lawton’s in the running to be a Conservative Party candidate in next year’s federal election. He’s the guy who called the commemoration of the Montreal massacre a “fake holiday” promoted by “Feminazis”, and who has decried “the pussification of the West.” He should fit right in.

Meme of the week —

Meme of the week (runner-up) —

Cartoon of the week –

Headline of the week goes to The Beaverton