
Meet the Extremists and Social Media Influencers at the Centre of the Far-Right Siege of Ottawa

    Fascism & the Canadian Far-Right

    Who is really behind the far-right occupation of Canada’s national capital?

    1. 40 Ways To Fight Fascists: Street-Legal Tactics For Community Activists Excerpt: “When it comes to fascism, the myopic lens of the anti-extremist can’t help us to see the relationship between fascism on the fringes of society and racism in the mainstream – the relationship between fascist hatred of Roma and Muslims today for example, and mainstream laws that deny Muslims and Roma civil and human rights, and the popular media that constantly dehumanises, stigmatises and serves them up to the fascists as suitable enemies.”
    2. Fascism, Explained
    3. Two excellent sources of analysis and news on the far-right in Canada
    4. Amy Goodman interviews Stanford Psychology Professor Jennifer Eberhardt. Shapes what we see, think and do
    5. Anti-Extremism or Anti-Fascism

    Far Right Week In Review – August 30 To September 6

    Friday, August 29 Nine months ago, an employee of Hillel at the University of British Columbia put up forged stickers falsely accusing the UBC Social Justice Centre of supporting Hamas. The lie was so egregious that within 24 hours Hillel had fired the employee and...

    Far Right Week In Review – August 2 To August 8

    (Special UK Riots Edition) Friday, August 2 “Failures resulting from the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which included the doxxing of protestors, substantial financial penalties, and increased scrutiny on the white nationalist movement,...

    Far Right Week In Review – July 26 To August 1

    Friday, July 26 Jasper is burning, but Maxime Bernier’s focus lies elsewhere. “There’s no way I can be on the same team as someone who panders to every immigrant group, won’t stop mass immigration, and won’t defend Canadian culture and identity. Who won’t denounce the...

    Far Right Week In Review, July 5 To July 11

    Friday, July 5 Last week Joe Biden flamed out, the US Supreme Court ran amok, Marine Le Pen started going for control of France, Victor Orban became president of the EU, and Pierre Poilievre’s lips continued to move. Let’s hope this week is better. Maybe it will be....

    Far Right Week In Review, June 28 To July 4

    Friday, June 28 Immigration relents, lets UK fascist on a tourist visa continue his paid speaking tour of Canada. Rebel News gloated: “Tommy Robinson has been released by the Trudeau government, and has been given permission to fly to Toronto, where he will give a...

    Far Right Week In Review, June 21 To June 27

    Friday, June 21 “All things must come to an end. That includes the unlikely friendship between an Eastern Ontario farmer by the name of Chet Wiggins and a group of QAnon-adjacent anti-government conspiracy theorists who built a commune in his backyard.... The...

    Far Right Week In Review, June 7 To June 13

    Friday, June 7 Abbotsford BC Conservative MLA Bruce Banman is irate “UBC academics” are calling for the Sumas valley to be allowed to flood. Only problem is the “UBC academic” is actually the president of his party. Comments from the B.C. Conservative Party president...

    The Myth of Left-wing Anti-Semitism

    (This article reflects the personal views of the author, a Jewish anti-Zionist) According to the Anti Defamation League – a leading pro-Zionist lobby group which claims its focus is on combatting actual anti-Semitism – this form of prejudice and hate is...

    The Other Victims of The Conflict in Palestine – Anti-fascism & Free Speech, Part 3

    Of course, the first and most tragic victims of the drastic escalation in the longstanding conflict are the innocent civilians in Israel killed or taken captive on October 7 and the many thousands more in Gaza being massacred by air and ground assault as this is...

    BC Nurses Fight Mandates — An Antivaxx Group, And Much, Much More

    BC Nurses Fight Mandates The last three years of Covid pandemic have fuelled an explosion of conspiracy-based organizations around the world.  This growth of irrationality has taken place in virtually every country and every sector of society.  Across Canada...

    The Friendly Fascist Next Door

    At the risk of being provocative, Hitler and the Nazi Party gave fascism a bad name. Or perhaps we should blame his portrayal by Hollywood, such as in the movie “Downfall” as a shouting, aggressive, unhinged character. Likewise, it seems that almost all documentaries...

    Far Right Antivaxxer Announces Bid For The Conservative Nomination In Abbotsford

    Correction: Stand United's James Davison broadcast a livestream clarifying that he intends to run provincially for the Conservative Party of BC, not for the federal Conservative Party. More info James Davison addressed the World Wide Freedom Rally in...

    What’s up with the far-right targeting Drag Artists and Trans Folks?

    People who understand the diversity of expression of gender identity and sexual orientation do not conflate persons who perform in drag with people who identify as trans. But such distinctions are not relevant to the far-right haters who view any diversion from strict...

    Who Is Stand United?

    The January 18, 2023 demonstration at Premier David Eby's constituency office is being organized by Stand United, one of the two organizations behind the campaign. The campaign's goals are to recall David Eby, repeal Bill 36 and elect a new premier. Currently Stand...

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Vancouver – December 12, 2022

    The far-right Freedom Convoy returned to downtown Vancouver this past Saturday. Disturbingly, while their numbers were smaller than in the past, their violent rhetoric and actions were ratcheted up several notches.It may not be coincidental that this event followed...

    Assessing The B.C. Municipal Elections

    The October 15, 2022 municipal elections saw an unprecedented number of far right candidates fielded in the races for mayor, council and school board positions across the province. A minimum of 129 candidates were provably and publicly aligned with antivaxx,...

    Not Exactly As Advertised – How An Antivaxx/Conservative Alliance Is Organizing To Take Over B.C. School Boards Part 4

    #UNITEDINDEPENDENTS In The Cowichan Valley In Vancouver Island’s Cowichan Valley a slate of three is running for positions on the North Cowichan council.  Unlike Peoples Council Surrey and VIVA Victoria, their focus is on local bread and butter issues.  At...

    Not Exactly As Advertised – How An Antivaxx/Conservative Alliance Is Organizing To Take Over B.C. School Boards Part 3

    Building A Base To Seize Local Power The honking from the Ottawa convoy had barely subsided when Marcus Anthony Ray began crisscrossing British Columbia, drumming up support for a project we now see unfolding across the province.  Ray (a professional public...

    Not Exactly As Advertised – How An Antivaxx/Conservative Alliance Is Organizing To Take Over B.C. School Boards Part 2

    Brian Dominick is one of the Parents Voice BC candidates running for school trustee in Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows.   His parent organization has advised its 28 candidates across B.C. to make sure there is nothing embarrassing on their social media...

    Not Exactly As Advertised – How An Antivaxx/Conservative Alliance Is Organizing To Take Over B.C. School Boards

    On the surface, Brian Dominick’s a pretty vanilla guy.  He’s running for election to the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows school board in the October 15 municipal elections on a program that seems anything but controversial.  His campaign ad stresses that the school...

    … Will Break My Bones – Anti-fascism & Free Speech, Part 2

    What is Free Speech and what is it good for? English political philosopher John Stuart Mill in his oft-cited book On Liberty used the phrase “the marketplace of ideas”. It is a metaphor that compares the competition of contending opinions in the public...

    Sticks and Stones… – Anti-fascism & Free Speech, Part 1

    Within the ongoing hub-bub of public discourse, debate over speech persists like a constant hum; in the past few years often focused on the alleged impact of so-called “Cancel Culture”. This is a theme not just of conservatives – from the far right to more mainstream...

    Convoys and Cops: the Vancouver Experience

    On Saturday March 5 another far-right vehicle convoy invaded downtown Vancouver with horns honking and flags waving. Around 50 vehicles with around 100 individual supporters of Stand United touted conspiracy theories and railed against “Fake News” outside...


    Cops like fascists (*).  This is hardly rocket science.  But the thin blue line’s infatuation with the far right has gotten so far gone that even the mainstream media can’t ignore it any more.  As the occupation of Ottawa dragged on with little to no...

    Anti-Extremism or Anti-Fascism?

    Written by: Liz Fekete

     Anti-extremism frameworks, popular in policy and academic circles, are masking the multi-dimensional and pan-European nature of contemporary fascism and the role of the state.
    Not since the early 1990s, and the pogroms at Hoyerswerda and Rostock have Europe’s far-right movements posed such a tangible threat to the safety of racial and religious minorities. In truth, levels of violence and state responses are far more worrying today than in the 1990s when hostels housing asylum seekers and guest workers were firebombed. There are a number of reasons why the central issues associated with far-right violence and racism are not being fully and publicly discussed.

    A fertile climate for fascism
    First, fascism is a much more complicated and diverse phenomenon than it was in the 1990s. (Read an IRR report: Pedlars of Hate: the violent impact of the European) When violence is carried out by neo-Nazis, it is easier to understand and see as linked to fascism. But the far Right is a fluid, evolving scene which is constantly mutating. The Autonomous Nationalists, white resistance movements, the counter-jihadists, the ultra-patriot identity movements and defence leagues are amongst the more recent variations on a far-right theme.

    Defund the Police
    The role of the police in the fight against fascist elements and movements has been starkly illuminated in the abject failure of the Ottawa police to take even minimal steps to protect public safety. In fact openly assisting and fraternizing with this violent racist mob. The contrast with the vicious repression by police there and across the country against non-violent protests by Indigenous land defenders and their allies has been pointed out by posters and commenters all across the social media constellation.

    It is past time for everyone opposed to racism and fascism to take a serious look at the arguments and proposals to defund police; whether it be the municipal, provincial or federal forces.




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